[PATCH] Implement msDS-RevealedUsers for RODC auditing

Garming Sam garming at catalyst.net.nz
Wed Mar 8 21:59:06 UTC 2017


Here are some patches to implement the msDS-RevealedUsers attribute for
RODCs. The typical behaviour is that when an RODC replicates passwords,
the user whose secrets were revealed (to this less privileged domain
controller) are recorded against the RODC using this attribute.

There are a few changes required in order to correctly handled
multi-valued binary linked attributes (which should also not be modified):

  * Handling duplicated backlinks pointing to the same object (as the
    forward links are repeated DNs with different binary portions)
  * Improve dbcheck handling against these links
  * Restricting modification, through previously unimplemented
    restriction of systemOnly attributes

There's a number of tests now written for the auditing behaviour, as
well as a number of fixes to bugs in the overall RODC (which were found
through the testing). 

Any thoughts would be appreciated.




git://git.catalyst.net.nz/samba.git       revealed-test-final

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