ctdb -n all / -n 1,2 does not work anymore

Bjoern Baumbach bb at sernet.de
Wed Apr 5 11:14:13 UTC 2017


Since Samba 4.5.0 the ctdb -n option does only take numeric values.

# ctdb ping -n all
Invalid option all: invalid numeric value

According to the ctdb(1) man page the -n option accepts 'PNN-LIST'

   -n PNN-LIST
       The nodes specified by PNN-LIST should be queried for the
       requested information. Default is to query the daemon running
       on the local host.

and this is documented as

       This is either a single PNN, a comma-separate list of PNNs or

Also the release notes of Samba 4.5.0 do not include this specific
behaviour change information. But it's mentioned that 'ctdb tool' has
been completely rewritten using new client API.

Additionaly there is a Nagios plugin 'check_ctdb', which is also part of
the Samba 4.6 source in ctdb/utils/nagios/check_ctdb. This does also use
the '-n all' and is consequently broken.

Was this limitation to the -n option introduced accidentally during
rewriting the ctdb command?

Best regards,

SerNet GmbH, Bahnhofsallee 1b, 37081 Göttingen
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