[PATCHSET] Cleanup krb5_wrap and other kerberos stuff

Andreas Schneider asn at samba.org
Tue Aug 30 13:51:03 UTC 2016


while working on gensec_krb5 I run again into the issue to find some functions 
I needed and mostly it is that some functions do not follow naming conventions 
we already have.

The attached patchset cleans up our krb5_wrap library. It does the following:

* Reorders some code to have a nice structure in the file
* Renames function to always use the same naming convention
* Documents undocumented functions
* Replaces deprecated functions with the new ones.
* Removes unuses and uneeded functions

You can also find the patchset here:


Review and push much appreciated!


	-- andreas

Andreas Schneider                   GPG-ID: CC014E3D
Samba Team                             asn at samba.org
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