Client timeout 2

github at github at
Sat Oct 31 00:40:19 UTC 2015

New comment by Gazzonyx on Samba Github repository
I'm going to close this PR due to bit rot and rebase.  I had an interesting conversation with Chris Hertel and Jose Rivera last night in Minneapolis; I need to read up on SMB internals a bit before I'm comfortable with this patch.  Chris described how the timeout mechanism on the Windows side works a bit, from legacy to current as he could best remember and it's frightful.  

Which brings me to my philosophical question for anyone that cares to chime in; do we care if the Samba client side truly emulates a Windows client or only that it interfaces well enough and doesn't do anything "clever" when talking to non-Windows hosts?  To be clear, this is mostly academic since more modern SMB dialects aren't nearly as scary, as I understand it, on both ends of the wire.  This is more about future changes than this particular patch set.

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