[PATCH] For bug #9534 (NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE when deleting a directory on a "scannedonly" covered share)

Samuel Cabrero Alamán scabrero at zentyal.com
Tue Feb 5 12:36:31 MST 2013


This patch solves the issue and also improves the cleanup by removing the .failed and .scanned files associated to scanned directories and files. It seems that returning a private struct in opendir and fdopendir functions instead of a DIR pointer was what was causing the issue.

I also attach another patch to send more information over the socket (the user accessing to the share and the client IP). This way the daemon can log these values together with detected viruses.

If I could get some review on these changes, i would really appreciate it.


Samuel Cabrero - Developer
scabrero at zentyal.com <mailto:scabrero at zentyal.com>

The Linux small business server
www.zentyal.com <http://www.zentyal.com>
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