Almsot 50% code coverege!

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Sat Sep 8 08:48:32 MDT 2012

On Fri, Sep 07, 2012 at 10:31:44AM +1000, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
> Ever wondered what goes on in the 90mins that an autobuild takes?

> One of the things that happens is that we pass over almost 50% of the
> code (by line):


> This is a particularly impressive result given the size of the codebase,
> and how many different features we implement.  

> That said, there remains some issues with the above analysis:  Some
> things don't make sense (most of the gen_ndr code isn't marked as
> executed, when it clearly is), but it remains a very useful and
> interesting metric for what we test well, and what we still need to
> test.  If someone has experience with gcov and is able to help me
> extract more reliable figures, I would appreciate it. 
We've come a long way.

Note that just the fact that the testsuite happens to exercise 50% of
our code, doesn't mean that there are decent tests for 50% of the


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