dhcp server with samba4 internal dns configuration

Adam Tauno Williams awilliam at whitemice.org
Wed Dec 19 08:53:19 MST 2012

On Wed, 2012-12-19 at 14:44 +0100, Daniele Dario wrote:
> Hi samba list,
> I found this link
> http://blog.michael.kuron-germany.de/2011/02/isc-dhcpd-dynamic-dns-updates-against-secure-microsoft-dns/ which spokes about a way to set up isc-dhcpd to perform ddns updates through bind or MS dns.
> Is there someone in the list who can answer these questions please?

I'm looking down the barrel of much the same issue.  We have Samba 4
with internal DNS, and workstation name registration works, but we need
to register other names and we really need to capture the name
registration events for other purposes [for one thing, maintaining a
reverse lookup].

Generally I don't like the small of the content at the above link, it
seems terribly hackish.  And what happens when the Kerberos ticket

Anyway, if you turn anything up please post back to this tread, and if I
find anything I'll do the same.

As an aside we have previously used WINS Hook for this purpose, but that
is inoperable in Samba 4.

>      1. would it work also vs internal samba4 dns?
>      2. would it update only records for hosts which can't do it by
>         themselves (e.g. linux hosts)?
>      3. reading the blog I found a script but I was not able to
>         understand how it should be used: did someone use it and can
>         point me in the right way?
>      4. at the top of the blog there is an example to create the keytab
>         that I don't understand: should I create a user dhcpduser in
>         ADUC? with which grants? or ktutil would create a "private"
>         keytab (not part of the AD one) and dhcpd + dns use it for auth?

Adam Tauno Williams  GPG D95ED383
Systems Administrator, Python Developer, LPI / NCLA

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