convert_string + librpc/ndr (via openchange) == fail

sean finney seanius at
Mon May 16 05:26:25 MDT 2011

Hi all,

Trying latest openchange trunk with a fairly recent samba4 master, I've run
into problems regarding character conversion in:

A little more digging and I found:

	commit 15e84a9a09c5a86416e964a3258ee35718fbf45a
	Author: Andrew Tridgell <tridge at>
	Date:   Thu Mar 24 10:59:41 2011 +1100

	charcnv: removed the allow_badcharcnv and allow_bad_conv options to convert_
	we shouldn't accept bad multi-byte strings, it just hides problems

Problem is, in some cases (NDR, in this case) a lot of these strings
are neither ascii nor unicode (i.e. cp1252), but the code seems to assume
it's one or the other (librpc/ndr/ndr_string.c:34), and will unconditionally
pass it to a convert_string_ family function, which will then fail if
the string contains characters with the high bit set.  AFAICT, previously
"LIBNDR_FLAG_STR_ASCII" was being meant to imply/support "non-UTF8 8-bit"
and not actually "ascii 7-bit", and the above commit reversed that.

This NDR code is currently being used by openchange for processing MAPI
property values, which quite often have such latin1/iso-8859-1 characters
(names, subjects, locations, mail message bodies, etc).  In the above
linked bug, I've pondered just skipping ndr_pull_string and doing some
kind of strdup+manual offset incrementing in the case of non-unicode
strings, which works in the immediate area of code in that report.
BUT (big BUT), we just run into problems later, as there's a big mass
of code generated via IDL interfaces with samba's pidl, which also
contain ndr based string parsing with the same problem.

Would it be out of the question to have ndr_pull_string do something a
bit smarter/more lenient in the case of LIBNDR_FLAG_STR_ASCII?


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