Upgrade from S3 to a Samba4 DC

Andrew Bartlett abartlet at samba.org
Sun Aug 14 01:13:21 MDT 2011

I wanted to update the list on the progress on creating a smooth upgrade
path for users of the Samba3 DC functionality to Samba4's AD server.

Amitay and I have worked from the basis of Jelmer's python libraries and
upgrade_from_s3 script, and have extended that script to take advantage
of the new passdb and loadparm wrappers.   

We already demonstrate an upgrade of an S3 member server and DC in the
testsuite, and I'll shortly add and do real-world tests of S3 domains
being upgraded to Samba4. 

So far, the upgrade is only of users, but groups will follow very
shortly.  We can upgrade any passdb backend (because we call the C API),
which provides a possible upgrade path for users of the externally
maintained passdb backends that was not possible before.  Passwords and
SIDs are migrated, as are most other passdb attributes. 

This passdb-centric approach also means we may not need the
myldap-pub.py script, or we can have it's features integrated, possibly
to handle only the parts not exposed to the passdb API. 

There is plenty more to do, but I hope this shows a clear direction for
this important part of a Samba 4.0 release. 

Andrew Bartlett
Andrew Bartlett                                http://samba.org/~abartlet/
Authentication Developer, Samba Team           http://samba.org

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