samldb and associated patches

Andrew Bartlett abartlet at
Sun Oct 3 15:12:38 MDT 2010

On Sun, 2010-10-03 at 12:23 +0200, Matthias Dieter Wallnöfer wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> ah - sorry you've started already an autobuild trial. Since I've 
> launched one only about the basic patches (const & types fixing).
> Regarding the PDC name changes: assure yourself against Windows. If you 
> have no replication partner you get "" back.

Sure, but why replace it with an 'only ""' implementation until you
write the code to return the correct value.  What harm was the current
code doing - it can't be any less correct than returning "" always.

What do you think the correct implementation should be, or should we
just ignore this as a artefact of a long forgotten part of the NT4
behaviour and leave with just "" as the safest thing?

Anyway, just to understand what happened last night:

My autobuild failed (for some reason I've not yet determined), but you
grabbed my proposed tree from my autobuild area, and successfully pushed
an autobuild including those?

That's quite fine, I just wanted to ensure I understood what happened.


Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett                      
Authentication Developer, Samba Team 
Samba Developer, Cisco Inc.
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