SAMBA3.5pre2-Does map untrusted to domain work?

Thu Jan 7 06:45:24 MST 2010

>>> "Steven Danneman" <steven.danneman at> 01/06/10 6:57 PM >>>
>Hi Michael,

>I don't quite understand the problem you're having.  You're saying that
>you set "map untrusted to domain" to yes in your smb.conf, and you're
>still unable to login without specifying a domain name?

Hello, Steven.
That is correct.  If I specify that switch within the smb.conf file, within the global section,
it does not take just the username.  I have to specify both the domain and username
regardless if the switch is used.  I also tried this with 3.4.3 and it does the same thing.
The switch is set equal to "yes".

>What you described in your email is the new intended behavior.  If your
>client is not joined to the domain, and you want to authenticate to a
>member Samba server with a domain user, you must explicitly specify the
>domain of that user on the client machine.  This is the
>new-matches-Windows behavior.

I have a question on this, if you don't mind.  If this matches the Windows behavior, how is it that
an XP machine that is not joined to AD can map a network share, browse that AD server
machine, etc., without having to also specify the domain with the user.  Meaning, the
Windows 2008 R2 AD machine will recognize me (being in AD) when I do a "search",
or "net use", etc., to a share on the 2008 machine.  Again, that XP machine is not joined
to the 2008 AD environment but will authenticate without the domain name.

Thanks for your help!!

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