ACL test scripts

Matthias Dieter Wallnöfer mwallnoefer at
Mon Sep 21 07:52:26 MDT 2009

Hi Nadezha,

I'm very sorry - but I didn't write any test for it. I simply logged in 
on Windows Server and on s4 with ADUC using a normal user account and 
did the test in the sense that I did something forbidden (in my case I 
tried to delete a group which is primary for user accounts - eg. "Domain 
Users"). Windows Server displayed something like "this group is primary 
and can't be deleted", s4 (on which I implemented the feature) printed 
"ACCESS_DENIED". Then I knew that Windows Server does the access checks 
as one of the last things and changed the position of "kludge_acl" to an 
ending one.


Nadezhda Ivanova schrieb:
> Hi Matthias,
> Can you please send me or commit the scripts that you used to test to determine that kludge_acl was in the wrong place? They would be useful to me in testing the new acl module.
> Thanks,
> Nadya

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