; a=shortlog; h=refs/heads/drs-linked-attribs

tridge at tridge at
Wed Dec 30 14:53:48 MST 2009

Hi Metze,

 > Have you added the RMD_FLAGS, so that we use DELETED=1 only for
 > performance reasons? 

no, because at the moment there is just one flag, and that is covered
by DELETED=1. If/when we need more flags we can add RMD_FLAGS, and
treat absence of RMD_FLAGS as meaning that it is zero. I don't want
redundent information in the on-disk form, or we will just need code
to cope with the case where RMD_FLAGS and DELETED are not consistent.

 > So that we can have DELETED=1, also for the backlinks and link-less
 > DN attributes.

For backlinks of link-less DN attributes we can test for the '@'
prefix, much like we use for internal objects.

I haven't implemented the link-less DN backlink handling yet, but I
don't think that is essential for a merge. 

Cheers, Tridge

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