Samba dfree problems

laesq laesq_ra at
Mon Mar 26 07:52:43 GMT 2007

Hi Keith,

Thanks for the speedy response.

After reading your post I've actually got it working, but not using dfree
command. Your post was very helpful though. Knowing that samba gets it's
share sizes from the root of the share is what helped the most.

So what I've done is created more shares to be where the drives are mounted.
So instead of one share called public, I have now shared storagei, storageii
and tempstore. When I select properties of these shares on windows, I get
the correct size and free space reported.

This is no problem for my users, the ones that are putting files on this
server have now been told to use these extra shares. Luckily it's only a
handful of users, so no major change or disruption to workflow, etc.

The only thing that still confuses me is that fact that the dfree command
created those errors in the logs and I never got that side of it working.
I'm not so worried about it as I have a solution, but for the sake of other
users who may come across this problem in the future (as Vista starts being
deployed into other businesses) it may good to attempt to get the very
bottom of the problem.

One thought that did cross my mind is that I have a packaged version of
samba that came with the distro, so I'm wondering if it was compiled without
support for dfree command. Like I say, just a thought.

Cheers for all the help,

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