Name Change for Samba4? [Re: What is blocking a Samba4 Tech Preview?]

Andrew Tridgell tridge at
Fri Dec 23 19:54:56 GMT 2005


 > I think the main different between Samba 3/4 and Apache 1/2
 > is that users will want to install Samba 3 & 4 at the same
 > time for the foreseeable future.  I predict that the adoption
 > path with be Samba 4 as a AD DC and Samba 3 as the file/print
 > server.  So this makes a huge difference in packaging.

I do expect people will have mixed installs of Samba3 and Samba4 in an
organisation, but only quite a small number of people will do that on
the same machine, if only because it would require IP alias games, and
even more complex settings for the NBT server.

Cheers, Tridge

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