Name Change for Samba4? [Re: What is blocking a Samba4 Tech Preview?]

Jeremy Allison jra at
Thu Dec 22 17:18:23 GMT 2005

On Thu, Dec 22, 2005 at 02:32:57PM +1100, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
> While I think there are many valid points in this mail, a name other
> than Samba is a non-starter (loss of brand), and that Samba4 1.0 is just
> going to cause confusion.  

It's not a loss of brand - it's a new product under the same
brand (IMHO). Calling the packages Samba4 is a good idea for
the reasons Kurt said (IMHO). Samba4 *is* completely different,
that's the point - it *is* a rewrite. We shouldn't try and tell
users it's just a continuation because that's not true, and is
actually the point of the new code.


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