Samba4: Bug in ntlm_auth's ntlmssp-client-1 mode

Kai Blin k.blin at
Tue Aug 23 17:16:39 GMT 2005

Hi folks,

I just stumbled over an error in samba 4's ntlm_auth.

It roughly looks like this:

When running it with ntlm_auth --helper-protocol=ntlmssp-client-1
--password=testpass --domain=NOWHERE --username=$USER

If lenght of $USER % 3 is 0, ntlm_auth v4 returns the same lenght of
base64 blob as v3. This seems to be correct.

If lenght of $USER % 3 is 1, the response is one character short,
resulting in an invalid base64 blob.

If lenght of $USER % 3 is 2, the response is one character too long,
also resulting in an invalid base64 blob.

This behaviour seems to change in offset if the lenght of the domain
name changes.

I'll investigate some more on this.

Kai Blin, private email
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