Login as a domain user when the domain controller is down with winbind

Simo Sorce simo.sorce at xsec.it
Thu Oct 2 08:58:30 GMT 2003

On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 20:52, Lin Li wrote:
> In windows when you loging as a domain user and if the domain controller 
> is down, the system will let you in with some local cache. Is there any 
> way for winbind to achieve this or is there any plan to have this 
> functionality?
> Also, when you logged in as a domain user and suddenlly the domain 
> controller is down, the system becomes unusable. Have a local cache may 
> help solve this.

I have an work in progress here:

I have some plans to extend it further to keep some more info but time
is low for me, if you want to help out, you're wellcome.

This module is targeted mainly toward ldap/winbind mobile users that
need to access their own data even when out of the office while keeping
a central point of authentication while in place at their office.


Simo Sorce - simo.sorce at xsec.it
Xsec s.r.l. - http://www.xsec.it
via Durando 10 Ed. G - 20158 - Milano
mobile: +39 329 328 7702
tel. +39 02 2399 7130 - fax: +39 02 700 442 399

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