IPC$ Problems with Metaframe

Scarff, Chris J Mr (Titan) 513th scarffc at MI513.gordon.army.mil
Wed Sep 25 18:05:01 GMT 2002

I'm not sure the BEST way to report this, but I found a solution for a major
problem we were having with our Samba Home directory server and Metaframe
1.8 on NT TSE 4.0.


User's IPC$ connections would not release from Samba causing all the
possible connections, or whatever, to stop mapping drivers for other users,
after a day of users coming and going.


We would have to stop and restart Samba or kill the "one and ONLY" PID for
that Metaframe server's SMBD session.  Well if I killed that, then all users
on the Terminal Server would get the "hiccup". 


I set the "nt smb support" option to "NO", and restarted Samba.  NOW,
Metaframe starts a new PID for every smb, or user.  That's perfect.


Now Samba is releasing the IPC$ shortly after a user logs off the Metaframe


This only occurred with Samba (any version) on our Solaris 2.6 (older
release/ not patched very well) running Samba 2.0.x thru 2.2.4. This only
happened after we upgraded frome Metaframe 1.1 to Metaframe 1.8 and
installed Office XP junk on it.  I don't know if this has anything to do
with it, but that's when the problems started.


Samba 2.x.x on Solaris 2.8 never has had that problem with Metaframe (on a
separate mapped drive).  Only that older Solaris 2.6 box sharing our user's
home directories.


Hope this helps.



Chris Scarff

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