implementing a new smbd vfs

Stefan (metze) Metzmacher metze at
Tue Oct 1 09:31:02 GMT 2002

At 08:44 01.10.2002 +0000, Rafi Yanai wrote:
>hi all,
>i currently work on an academic project of parallel storage that uses one 
>server to cache the directories and file information while the files 
>themselves are stored somewhere in the net. i thought that an smb 
>front-end will be a good idea so i over-loaded the function vfs_opendir, 
>vfs_readdir, vfs_stat (all of them) and vfs_open in the vfswrap.c
>while that works great for single file operation, it's fails when i try 
>(from a win2000 client) to copy a directory or to copy multiple files.
>what do i need to implement/change in order to support multiple file 
>operation ?

sounds nice. I was also thought about writing such a module today.:-)

Can you send code then it's easier to help.

Stefan "metze" Metzmacher <metze at>

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