stdio in smbd

Eric Dirks eric.dirks at
Mon Feb 25 10:47:46 GMT 2002

The stdio library on Sun architecture is limited to file descriptors less than 256 and this
limitation is being encountered with some regularity in our smbd processes. Mostly it means that the
log file "reopen" call has problems and continues to use the old file, but I've also seen problems
opening the user map file - which results in access problems because mappings cannot be read. (I
suspect there are other problems as well). These problems don't happen unless your clients use a lot
of open files but a group of our users here seem to have 200-400 open files almost all the time.

Is anyone working to convert the stdio calls to other functions using file descriptors? I do need to
fix this problem here and I'd rather avoid duplicating work that has already been done if I can
avoid it.

Eric Dirks

Eric.Dirks at
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