Conrad Minshall conrad at
Thu Sep 13 17:01:09 GMT 2001

At 3:19 PM -0700 9/13/01, Christopher R. Hertel wrote:

>Besides, it isn't the new transport that I'm talking about.  That appears
>to be a solvable problem.  It's the rest of the suite.  I personally do
>*not* know how to retrieve the W2K equivalent of the browse list.
>Part of the goal of the SMB URL is to allow users to navigate the entire
>service hierarchy.  Under NBT, that means:
>List of available workgroups (smb://)
> \
>  List of workgroup/NTDomain member servers (smb://workgroup/)
>   \
>    List of server shares (smb://server/)
>     \
>      List of files/directories under a given share (smb://server/share/)
>       \
>        etc.
>If we can, with some degree of technical face-saving, come up with a way
>to do this for both protocol suites then the argument that it is valid to
>further overload the URL form to that additional degree will make sense.
>I just need to know how to read the W2K service list to see if this is

So if there were any systems already doing this then you'd know it is
possible and you'd capture packets to see the details.  Then what you are
concerned about is that it might be possible with seperate smb/cifs prefix
semantics but impossible with them unified?  Help me see how that can be...
can't any wire traffic possible under the non-synonomous URL definition be
attempted, with success, given synonomous URL prefixes?  My apologies if
I'm missing something obvious - I'm still quite new to these protocols.

Conrad Minshall ... conrad at ... 408 974-2749
Alternative email addresses: rad at and conrad at

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