Samba net command

Jim McDonough jmcd at
Thu Oct 18 09:58:03 GMT 2001

The first round (which should be in the HEAD branch sometime today or
tomorrow) will do only RAP calls (so all calls OS/2 should work, as well as
NT, but not all calls on Win2K or Samba, where more is done via RPC, which
will be added later to the command).  It will have the ability to do:
-Session list and delete
-Open file list and close
-User list, add, and delete
-Group list, add, delete, add member, delete member, get member
-share list, add, and delete
-printq list, delete job
-server list
-domain list

This was originally Steve French's idea (see cc: address above), and he's
more familiar with OS/2, so Steve, can you answer the questions about OS/2
net admin functionality?


Jim McDonough
IBM Linux Technology Center
6 Minuteman Drive
Scarborough, ME 04074

jmcd at

Phone: (207) 885-5565
IBM tie-line: 776-9984

Brian Spears <spearsb at> on 10/18/2001 11:35:30 AM

Please respond to spearsb at

To:   Jim McDonough/Portland/IBM at IBMUS
Subject:  Samba net command


I appologize for the interumption, but I found your e-mail on the samba
technical list, and wanted to drop you a note.

Your idea+rpc for a net.exe like facility is really interesting!

we (were) a large os/2  client and server shop.  Don't have more than a
couple of clients left, but still have a bunch of servers.  We're slowly
converting them to linux / samba but still have a bunch to maintain.

Anything in your concept that would allow a "net admin" type functionality
from linux to an os/2 server???

Anything we can do to help?

Brian Spears
Director I/T
Konica Business Technologies
phone:    860 697 2373
fax: 860 902 7418
spearsb at

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