Updating samr code...

Jeremy Allison jeremy at valinux.com
Sat Feb 17 00:55:52 GMT 2001

Hi all,

	This is really a message for Tim Potter, JF, Gerald, and
anyone else who may be considering checking in changes to
the 2.2 branch samr code. Please don't :-).

I'm currently re-writing it to split into interface and implementation
modules, in the same way that spoolss is. This means removing the
ugly OLD_NTDOMAIN #define hack, and merging parts of the appliance-tng
samr code (but not all of it, as I know JF has made many updates
and changes here to make W2K clients work against a 2.2 PDC.

I know now isn't a great time to do this, but I *have* in order
to get the Win9x user list functionality working - plus the
code in 2.2 at present is too ugly to live. It may be short
term pain (a week delay in the next alpha) but the gain will be
the code will be really easy to understand and maintain for the
2.2 release.

Gerald - this affects the samr passdb code in HEAD - please
track the changes in 2.2 and you and I should communicate
about merging.

We now return to our regularly scheduled NetBIOS flamewar :-) :-).


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