Why I hate W2k :-).

Jeremy Allison jra at samba.org
Mon Dec 31 17:37:02 GMT 2001

I'm looking at getting a Samba PDC to return large user and
group lists, and I finally have this working with Win98 and
Win2k (nt4 still to test). Now I notice that the way W2K
enumerates users is to open the pipe, open the samr handle
for the SID, enumerate the first 0x400 users, then *close
all the resources down again* ! Next it opens the pipe, opens
the samr handle then enumerates the users at offset 0x401....

They must be working around a bug in NT4.x, but this *sucks*
for smbd caching the enumeration of smbpasswd (which is slow...).



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