smbd daemon mode - fork() ?

Green, Paul Paul.Green at
Thu Dec 6 10:00:05 GMT 2001

Sounds like you are having problems debugging smbd.  I am fortunate to have
several different debuggers I can use, but when they aren't convenient, I
find that adding new debug statements (Yes, glorified printfs) is often
quicker than slogging thru a difficult debug session. The debug statements
can check for specific conditions or can lie in wait for hours. I guess it
is a personal preference, since most debugger are pretty capable.  Also,
since we don't have a system call tracing facility on VOS, I added one to
lib/system.c.  I think it is actually more helpful than truss because its
output is synchronized into the Samba logs along with all of the other Samba
debug messages. If anyone wants it, send me private mail. I didn't submit it
because I figured most OSes have truss and it would be a maintenance burden
on the Samba community.

Paul Green, Senior Technical Consultant, Stratus Technologies.
Voice: +1 978-461-7557; FAX: +1 978-461-3610; Video on request.

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