request for projects ideas for volunteers

Christopher R. Hertel crh at
Thu Sep 28 19:37:52 GMT 2000

[Charset iso-8859-2 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
>   This is probably at the top of my list.  (For those who 
>   missed it, jCIFS is a Java client for CIFS/SMB.)
>         Some more (technical) details ?
>         Rafa_


The basic idea is to build a set of Java classes that implement NBT, SMB,
and related protocols.  A side goal is to write parallel documentation
that explains the workings of the CIFS suite.

The plan is to create a library of Java code that can be used to build
clients, servers, and tools.  Because of the mechanics of Java, and
following some discussion with various folks 'round the web (including a
visit to the FSF's Java pages) we've chosen to write the code from scratch
and use the LGPL.

Chris -)-----

Christopher R. Hertel -)-----                   University of Minnesota
crh at              Networking and Telecommunications Services

    Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them
    with your choose them as your guides, and following
    them you will reach your destiny.  --Carl Schultz

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