PDC acceptance criteria

Michael E Osborne mosborne at jacads.com
Tue Oct 3 20:18:43 GMT 2000

PDC <-> BDC integration is more important to us as well.

Michael Osborne
IT Manager
JACADS Project
Washington Demilitarization Co

On Tue, 3 Oct 2000 gcarter at valinux.com wrote:

> That is the intent.  We need to decide what needs to
> be done.  I want a list.   The phrase a "Working PDC"
> is too vague.  What constitues a working PDC?  That's
> the question.

> Do people think that trust relationships are required?
> What about PDC <-> BDC integration?  My feeling is
> that the former is important while the latter is not.
> Why do i prioritize it like this?  I think that being
> able to interact with other domain is more important than
> interacting with another DC within as domain.

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