cvs SAMBA_2_0: some problems

Giulio Orsero giulioo at
Fri Jan 7 08:44:07 GMT 2000

On Thu, 06 Jan 2000 14:22:28 -0800, hai scritto:

>> === 1) smbclient mputting
>> a) if you mput an empty file, the file is transferred but samba logs an
>> error, which is not the case
>Fixed in latest cvs.
>> === 2) smbclient: renaming directories
>> smbclient1.9.18p10 can "rename" dirs on a win98 share, smbclient2.0.6
>> and SAMBA_2_0  cannot do it:
>Please check latest SAMBA_2_0 cvs. I think this is now fixed.

Yes, I verified they are both fixed now.

However, I noted then when you get and put (don't know if it's new to
samba_2_0 or it was already in 2.0.6) timestamps are resetted to the
time of the operation, whereas if I copy the files from win explorer
(samba -> win98 or win98 -> samba) the timestamps of files are


giulioo at

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