WINS & SMB service monitoring

Peter Polkinghorne Peter.Polkinghorne at
Tue Sep 28 14:47:01 GMT 1999

Since Samba is crucial to our sites operation (ie hordes of NT users will be
helpless if SMB or WINS service provided by Samba fails), I have been
investigating how to check things are OK - at a basic level.

Envrionment: Solaris 2.5.1 & 7, Samba 1.9.18p10 (old I know).

What I have come up with is:

WINS - use expect round nmblookup -U server -R our_domain
... is there a better way to detect whether WINS or not?

SMB - use expect round smbclient //server/WKS -U user -c ls
... where WKS is a well known share on every server (samba logs)

I am using expect since as far as I know there is no SMB library for TCL or
Perl ... is this right?

Is there any need for this type of thing or better way of doing?

I am prepared to make what I come up with generally available.

| Peter Polkinghorne, Computer Centre, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH,|
| Peter.Polkinghorne at   +44 1895 274000 x2561       UK          |

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