Linux Platform [Was: This is *way* cool.]

Rask Ingemann Lambertsen rask at
Mon Jul 12 00:08:46 GMT 1999

Den 09-Jul-99 18:26:51 skrev Christopher R. Hertel følgende om "Linux Platform [Was: This is *way* cool.]":

> ..but they have not announced which processor they plan to use in the 
> new systems.  Anyone heard of a little startup called TransMeta?

   It's the MMC - Magical Mystery Chip. Your guess is as good as mine. Yes,
I've heard of TransMeta, and have thought the same thing. Maybe this has
someting to do with going with a Linux base instead of a QNX base? Rumours
say that the Linux kernel will be ported to TransMeta's CPU.

>> >
>>    Given that QNX opened <URL:> just yesterday,

   While I was hacking my A4000 desktop into a tower,
<URL:> appeared on a BeOS related
site. This one is a hoax, though. At least for now it is...


| Rask Ingemann Lambertsen       | E-mail: mailto:rask at  |
| Registered Phase5 developer    | WWW: |
| A4000, 775 kkeys/s (RC5-64)    | "ThrustMe" on XPilot, ARCnet and IRC  |
|      Did you ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I...       |

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