No password chat in smbpasswd

frank hartung frankh at
Wed Jan 13 13:06:23 GMT 1999


i think i have found inconsistant function in smbpasswd, Version
2.0.0beta5. Better: smbpasswd behave not equal in local use and remote
use. Let me describe it:

I wanted to setup my system with encrypted passwords and created a
smbpasswd database. Adding entrys with smbpasswd worked fine. Then i
wanted to connect that database to our normal database (for simplicity
first /etc/passwd, not NIS). I configured the passwd chat and tested its
functionality. As normal user, smbpasswd asked smbd to do the change
(remote), and the chat worked fine. As superuser, smbpasswd did the
change on his own leaving out the chat dialog (not executed, no debug
output). I think, after looking at the source code, the chat dialog has
to be added to the smbpasswd functionality like in smbd. 

I think this behavior is quite important for setting up a simple
password database, where user can change there passwords and the
superuser can easily set the password back.

Frank Hartung

Institut fuer Materialphysik der Universitaet Goettingen
Hospitalstr. 3-7
D-37073 Goettingen GERMANY

E-Mail: frankh at

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