Midnight Commander and SMB

Andrew Tridgell tridge at samba.org
Thu Jan 7 23:46:53 GMT 1999

> What is the samba developers recomendation for that?
> smblib seems outdated, and without support. Is 
> smbwrapper a simple frontend to other library?

The smbwrapper code is the right thing to use, but will need some work
for use in the MC VFS

- smbwrapper provides a LD_PRELOAD style library to replace posix
  calls. You probably don't want that functionality so you need to
  leave out wrapped.c. Without wrapped.c the smbwrapper library is a
  fairly nice, high level SMB library transparently supporting
  simultaneous connections and other goodies. The entry points are
  things like smbw_open(), smbw_read() etc. The entry points need to
  be documented. Also note that the portability problems people have
  have with smbwrapper are confined to wrapped.c.

- smbwrapper calls code in source/libsmb/*.c and source/lib/*.c so
  those are needed. What we need is some Makefile code to generate a
  library. Contributions welcome :)

- the low-level SMB library used in smbwrapper is in
  source/libsmb/clientgen.c. If you are very familiar with SMB then
  using that library instead of smbwrapper would be an option, but it
  is probably too low level for MC.

- the Samba code is not very clean as far as namespace usage. You may
  find that some symbols, particularly in source/lib/*.c, conflict
  with other applications you may link against. You are welcome to fix it!

Cheers, Tridge

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