Midnight Commander and SMB

Juan Grigera j-grigera at usa.net
Thu Jan 7 16:33:25 GMT 1999

Hi all,

I hope this qualifies as a samba-tech question.

I am contributing the Midnight Commander file manager
project, and I am evaluating different ways of adding samba support
to it. 

What is the samba developers recomendation for that?
smblib seems outdated, and without support. Is 
smbwrapper a simple frontend to other library?
The MC Virtual File System is becoming a key concept
in gnome project, and a samba VFS would be nice to have,
but my question is which C interface should I use (i.e. smbwrapper
is fine, but maybe a native VFS is better, just maybe).

I would thank you very much suggestions in this problem,
and some input on smblib, smbwrapper status.


Juan Grigera

P.D. please cc. me as I'm not on the list.

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