source code documentation

Steve Litt slitt at
Thu Dec 16 03:36:49 GMT 1999

At 01:55 PM 12/16/1999 +1100, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
>i want to reinforce this by also saying: please do not presume that my
>position is representative of samba or other open source developers.
>i'm tired, recovering from illness, poor, fed up, been coding solidly for
>about three weeks and thinking of designs about a day or three ahead of
>the coding to solve problems that either didn't exist, i didn't expect, or
>have existed for between one to three years.  i'm stressed out at some of
>the rather vehement comments i've received over perceived problems that
>turn out to be misunderstandings about design issues, but had to spend
>several rounds in emails establishing the misunderstanding.
>so if i have offended: read the message again, tell me why i have offended
>you, i will clarify (email is often misunderstood), and if you are still
>offended, i will apologise.


You didn't offend me at all. I was just curious about the real-world
workings of the GPL.

I hope in the near future all your hard work significantly improves your
financial position. That sentiment goes for everyone contributing to Samba.
Somebody (tongue in cheek) mentioned a Samba IPO. Interesting idea. Nobody
deserves it more than you guys.

Steve Litt

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