Error registering DOMAINNAME<1b> with 1.9.18p4 WINS server

Gerald W. Carter cartegw at Eng.Auburn.EDU
Wed Sep 9 19:27:26 GMT 1998

I found it!!! :)

I'm still not convienced that somethings wierd in the code, but for now I
have a workaround.

The problem was that the repsonse from the 18p4 WINS server were going to
the real interface on the second machine rather the virtual interface that
the PDC was sitting on.  Only for the <1b> record though.  the rest worked

The workaround....

- start the PDC on the virtual interface before starting the 18p7 server
on the real interface.

I am going to keep looking through the code and see why things act
differently for the <1b> name.  Will report back later.  Right now I have
a few NT boxes to put back in the domain.

Catch ya later,
                            Gerald ( Jerry ) Carter	
Engineering Network Services                           Auburn University 
jerry at   

       "...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home."
                                  - Sting "Message in a Bottle" ( 1979 )

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