DWL900AP+ H/W C2 F/W 3.02 heat problem

Kanyaraj Babu Kanyaraj.Babu at uwifi.com
Fri Feb 20 07:26:37 GMT 2004

Hi all,
I recently purchased a couple of DWL900AP+ H/W c2 F/W 3.02 and I observe the units hang repeatedly even in room temperature.
To reproduce my problem, I have them powered on and after 10 of minutes the units warm up. I connect using the Airplus Manager
Utility and just hit "Apply" --> prompted for password and "OK"   then the LAN interface stops responding to pings (lights up though) and the WLAN
Indicator goes off. I have to wait for a couple of minutes before the unit cools down and I can access again (immediate power recycle won't work).
I also observed that power recycling the unit when it is slightly warm also hangs it up (wondering if anything in the reboot cycle has a problem with 
the unit's temperature). If I don't power recycle or access through Airplus manager everything is fine even when the unit gets very warm. Any ideas?
I read a lot of success stories about DWL-900AP+ but most of them seemed to be A/B with F/W 2.5. Has D-link messed something up in C2 3.02?
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