
Martin Pot m.t.pot at ieee.org
Wed Jun 26 10:24:53 EST 2002

> > Yes, you can attach an external antenna to a RoamAbout.
> An even dumber question.
> I've read that one can attach an external antenna to an Orinoco PCMCIA 
> but how exactly does one do it?
> What connector is required?
> I'm just looking at an Orinoco Gold card,
> and while I see various sealed orifices
> (two rectangular and one circular)
> through which connections might conceivably pass
> it's not at all clear to me how this is intended to be done.
> Does one have to break one or more of these seals?

You need a pigtail to connect an external antenna to a wireless card.
Have a look at http://ii.net/~mpot/temp/pigtail.jpg for a photo of a 
pigtail to suit an Orinoco.
One end has a plug to fit the proprietary connector on the Orinoco, the 
other end is a male N-type connector.

If you have a look a photo of one of my RoamAbouts at 
http://ii.net/~mpot/temp/roamabout_socket.jpg you'll see the antenna 
socket at the end of the card.
You'll have to remove a small round plastic plug which normally covers up 
this socket.


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