No sigal info with orinoco_cs in ad-hoc mode?

Erno Kuusela erno.kuusela at
Thu Jan 17 02:39:18 EST 2002


On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, David Gibson wrote:

| The overall statistics are meaningless for an ad-hoc network, because
| signal levels vary per host.  To get the iwspy stats you'll need to
| use the iwspy tool, and in any case the stats won't be updated until
| you actually receive a packet from the host in question.

thanks. i have it working now with 2 ipaqs seeing each other. i guess i
had the base station address wrong last time when i tried to add it
with iwspy.

i wonder if there is any way find out the ip address that
corresopnds to a given wlan hardware address?

ps. in case anyone is wondering, the plan here is to let
the ipaq be aware of their location based on signal quality
metrics from several different (stationary) ad hoc nodes.

   -- erno

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