Orinoco MAC address filtering

Jaakko Isomursu jaakko.isomursu at kolumbus.fi
Fri Aug 24 03:02:12 EST 2001

> > Is there any known way to bypass Orinoco's MAC address filtering for
> > by duplicating WLAN-cards MAC address?
> Yes, sniff network, collect MAC addresses, set in the driver.

The problem was, I didn't know that changing the MAC address was that easy
in linux..

> > When WEP is allmost useless, would this provide some security?
> If you want security :

Yes.. I'm plannng to use VPN, but I was wondering if this MAC address
filtering is worth the trouble. Apparently not.

Jaakko Isomursu
jaakko.isomursu at kolumbus.fi

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