Conecting a file in linux, from a shared file in Windows

Adriana Liendo aliendo at
Mon Aug 11 21:00:15 GMT 2008


I've used smbclient in order to use a directory which is in Windows in 
linux. However, I would like to have access to this directory mounted in 
the system. I think I could use smbmount, but I've installed all the 
packets related with samba using yum, and I still can't use this command 
(It says command not found). Where can I find this command? There is any 
other method to mount the shared file?
I'm using Linux Fedora,  samba  3.0.28a-1.fc7.x86_64, 
and I installed everything using yum.

Thanks in advance

Ing. Adriana Liendo
Departamento de Informática
Fundación Venezolana de Investigaciones Sismológicas
Final Prolongación Calle Mara, Quinta FUNVISIS
El Llanito - Caracas
Teléfonos: (212) 257.51.53/76.72/93.46 Ext. 211 

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