deliberation plated

Frazier Minna alx at
Fri Jun 22 01:37:15 GMT 2007

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The more people who  know about you the more chance you have of getting
that money. Don't be afraid to be afraid. In other words, a distinction
between the  technical and operational knowledge people contribute to
the team as opposed to  the behavioural way in which they make their
Performance-related bonuses and massive stock options are also received
by  these super bosses, as well as enormous pensions and other perks.
Back to Book Reviews    To receive details of all new articles,
interviews and book reviews, subscribe to our monthly newsletter here.

Another paradox identified in the book is that of a global  community in
never ending contact, versus the growing need for individuality  and
localised communities. Indeed, many  expressed a high level of faith in
the ability of the current government to  deliver.

Can the boss take a chance on which Good or Bad Values are utilised in
the conduct of work?

Indeed, if presented with a challenge, the chances of even getting
agreement on what the problem is are low, let alone agreement on the
Those who delay were expected to find increasingly strong Chinese 
competitors and face much higher costs of entry and more significant
survival risks. On a positive note, I found this section of  the book
particularly helpful and quite thought provoking, although it is  rather
philosophical at times.

The  basic principle of incentives is that the more you put in, the more
you take  out. Following or Leading  To start the discussion, recall
that more than ninety percent of all subordinates are Followers, people
whose behaviour emerges as a result of copying that of others.
'Leadership is not defined by the exercise  of power but by the capacity
to increase the sense of power among those who are  led.

A central theme of the book is the impact that  developments in
information and communication technologies are having on  driving
globalisation. Globalisation has created, strangely enough, greater 
individuality and cultural diversity.

In my own experience,  the increasing pace of change is causing people
to spend more and more of their  time engaged in discussions and
meetings. His answer was that as an organisation they  were doing OK.

He specialises on the future of the new growth economies. We get bogged
down in local equilibriums without it. the "what they see is what they
get" or the "I was the one promoted so I must be OK the way I am"
But creativity is no mystical force.
A common  perception was that, while all of the issues raised are very
real, the Chinese  government is aware and talking quite openly about
most of them.

This shift in emphasis isn't  new.

Most  believed that for those not already active in China,  there was a
relatively limited window of opportunity to start learning about  and
acting on the China  opportunity. Complete preparation is the ultimate
fear blaster because, whatever questions  people ask, you know you have
the answers and resources you need to answer  them effectively.

Keep your list somewhere that you can see it on a daily basis.

And there is the ever-present concern about a flare-up in relations 
with Taiwan. However, the general sense  was one of real optimism, based
both on their own business outlook and that of  those around them. You
must not decide what a person should be given based on what you have to
give, only on what that person needs.

Most  people do not know much about creativity and do not think that
ideas can be  produced on demand. However, a broader analysis of the
market and operating environment may provide  a useful lens through
which to assess competitor actions.

A recent issue of Fortune magazine featured a list of ten CEOs  facing
'Herculean' challenges.
Keep your list somewhere that you can see it on a daily basis. The fact
that they will Follow the boss' lead has been preordained!
Conforming to peer pressure is also a part of this process.

But, contrary to the belief of many pundits,  effectiveness isn't
necessarily the ultimate goal of the top manager.

Whether or not the Managing Director or boss wants to admit it, the SHIP
IS ITS CAPTAIN. If these Standards are low, we walk with the turkeys,
lose to the competition and generally dislike coming to work.

There is also a growing perception that the analysis models and 
assumptions being applied by western economists may be inappropriate for
China and may  need to be reworked. Putting in the effort to find value
is the important thing. Which of those that are already  owned need to
be licensed or developed further? The Insufficiency Of Intention The
World Economic Forum in Davos this year  had the excellent theme of 'The
Creative Imperative'. Incentive schemes that are effective work by
changing behaviour in a way  that is aligned with the needs of the
organisation. Most  people do not know much about creativity and do not
think that ideas can be  produced on demand.

It has nothing to do with a bolt from the blue sitting by the river to a
 Baroque soundtrack. Leaders should encourage and develop as many 
sources as they can, both internal and external.
The process that results WAITS FOR NO ONE. A common  perception was
that, while all of the issues raised are very real, the Chinese 
government is aware and talking quite openly about most of them. If,
after completing your training, you were asked to analyse a mechanical
problem, the chances are that you would agree with other engineers as to
what the problem was and how to fix it.

Very  few expected a smooth journey and most expected one or more short
but fairly  severe recessionary periods over the next twenty years.

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