Unix client NT server

Urban Widmark urban at teststation.com
Tue Nov 20 00:01:17 GMT 2001

On Mon, 19 Nov 2001, Will Spies/Towers Perrin wrote:

> I would like to find documentation on how the Samba client can be used on
> Unix to access an NT filesystem.

man smbclient?

> Can someone point me to the documentation? If this is not possible, can
> someone tell me?  I've found documentation on hour to mount Unix shares on
> NT and how to mount Unix shares of ( I think ) other Unix boxes. What we
> want to do is mount a Unix share of another NT box so we can write directly
> under Unix to NT.

What flavour of *nix are you talking about ...

Linux and *BSD has kernel support to make it look like a normal filesystem
(smbfs). Samba's smbwrapper may work on your platform. Or Sharity(-light).
Or perhaps putting a NFS server on the NT box.


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