[Samba] Laptops unable to access Windows SMB share

Kris Lou klou at themusiclink.net
Thu Jan 23 17:16:26 UTC 2025

>   When at Unsecure 2, the laptops will not access the Windows server's
> file share.  Remember they will access the Samba file server on the same
> subnet, Secure 1.  The error says it can't find the share and asks to check
> the name.

To me, this is DNS and routing. Have laptops use a VPN to Sec2 whenever in
Unsecure 2, and make sure that Sec1 is also routable through this VPN.

Kris Lou
klou at themusiclink.net

On Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 1:47 AM Rowland Penny via samba <
samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:

> On Wed, 22 Jan 2025 22:04:31 +0000
> Stephen Brandli via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
> > Long-time Samba user.  Love it!
> >
> > I have a dozen or so computers accessing several file (SMB) shares.
> > All but two are in fixed locations.  Some of those have fixed IPs,
> > the rest DHCP IPs but they don't move between subnets.  The last two,
> > both laptops, are the problem.  They move back and forth between two
> > subnets.
> >
> > Specifically:
> >
> > There are three relevant subnets.  I'll call them Secure 1, Secure 2,
> > and Unsecure 2.  Secure 1 and Secure 2 are connected via a VPN, and
> > Secure 2 and Unsecure 2 are connected via a firewall.  The firewall
> > does not NAT.  The other clients are on Secure 1 and Secure 2.  The
> > laptops move between Secure 1 and Unsecure 2.
> >
> > To simplify things, there are two servers on Secure 1: one Samba
> > (4.9.5-I know, old), and a Windows 10 up-to-date and acting as a
> > server.
> >
> > There are two domains: D1 and D2 (all Samba 4.13.13).  D1 is centered
> > at Secure 1 and D2 at Secure 2.  D1 and D2 have an external trust
> > relationship.  Domain controllers for both domains in both Secure 1
> > and Secure 2.  The two servers on Secure 1 are in D1.  The laptops
> > are in D2.
> >
> > All the computers except the laptops-including computers on Secure 1
> > in D1, and Secure 2 in D2, access both the Samba and Windows servers
> > fine (file shares).  The two laptops access the Samba file share just
> > fine whether they are in Secure 1 or Unsecure 2.  The laptops can
> > access another service (Sql Server) on the Windows server without
> > problem no matter where they are (demonstrating connectivity).
> >
> > Two problems:
> >
> >
> >   1.  When at Unsecure 2, the laptops will not update their DNS
> > records for D2.  For purposes of working on problem #2 (next), I
> > added A records manually to D2. 2.  When at Unsecure 2, the laptops
> > will not access the Windows server's file share.  Remember they will
> > access the Samba file server on the same subnet, Secure 1.  The error
> > says it can't find the share and asks to check the name.
> >
> > There are no firewall rules between Secure 1 and Secure 2.  It's a
> > straight VPN.  While there are usually firewall rules between Secure
> > 2 and Unsecure 2, I removed them to test this problem with no change.
> >
> > This used to work.  At some point it stopped.  I have not updated the
> > domain controllers or the Samba server referenced above in some time
> > now, so no update to those caused the problem.  The Windows machine
> > has updated automatically and is up-to-date (just reaching Windows 10
> > EOL).
> >
> > Clearly the laptops are unique in some way: I suspect in being on
> > Unsecure 2.  Their netbios settings are the "default," which uses
> > netbios over TCP unless told differently by DHCP, which it doesn't.
> >
> > I've exhausted my limited knowledge of this and would love any tips
> > you all are willing to provide.  Thanks in advance!
> >
> >                 Steve
> You have told us a lot there, but then really nothing, what OS's are
> the Linux machines running ? There are two domains, but what sort ?
> There is mention of dns, so I suppose AD, but I cannot be sure. There
> is mention of Samba 4.9.5, so this could be Debian buster which is
> dead, 4.13.13 could be Debian bullseye which is in LTS support and only
> gets security updates.
> My first thoughts are, upgrade the Samba servers so if you do have a
> bug, it can get fixed, you have no chance at the moment.
> Rowland
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