[Samba] Samba in a dual boot environment

justin.noor at componentscience.xyz justin.noor at componentscience.xyz
Thu Jan 23 14:52:16 UTC 2025

On on the VM this has been briefly discussed. We are running CAD applications in Windows, and would need to confirm if they run well in a VM.

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-------- Original Message --------
On 1/22/25 7:26 AM, Rowland Penny via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:

>  On Wed, 22 Jan 2025 14:36:24 +0000
>  componentscience via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
>  > In response to the last comment, generally speaking, is the AD aspect
>  > of dual booting challenging even with an external standalone Samba
>  > share? Overall we do not have much experience with dual booting, but
>  > having separate computers for each OS is not an option.
>  >
>  When you dual boot two OS's, you usually have each OS in its own
>  partition and each OS boots okay. If you then try to connect from one
>  OS to the other os's partition, then this is where the problems can
>  start.
>  Windows requires an NTFS filesystem, but Linux requires a partition
>  formatted in ext4, btrfs etc, anything but NTFS. Windows can mount a
>  Linux partition, but usually read only and it is basically the same
>  with regards to Linux mounting a Windows partition.
>  If what you are thinking of doing is starting the computer in one OS
>  and then connecting to the other OS's partition and changing things,
>  then I cannot recommend doing this.
>  You could add a third partition and connect to this from either OS, but
>  if you do this, I would suggest formatting it with exfat and only using
>  it for storing low privileged items.
>  You will need to install Windows first, otherwise you will have to fix
>  the Linux install after installing Windows. You should also be aware
>  that Windows updates have been known to stop Linux booting in a dual
>  boot setup.
>  Have you considered running one of the OS's in a VM on the other ?
>  Rowland
>  --
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