[Samba] Regarding Samba Shares
Matthias Kühne | Ellerhold Aktiengesellschaft
matthias.kuehne at ellerhold.de
Wed Jan 22 11:25:14 UTC 2025
changing the permissions on the underlying filesystem leads to an
immediate change.
Hope this helps!
Am 22.01.25 um 12:15 schrieb Ralph Boehme via samba:
> Hi Srikanth,
> On 1/22/25 11:52 AM, ., Srikanth N S via samba wrote:
>> Could you please let us know if this is an expected behavior? Or do
>> we have to make any configuration changes to reflect the changes to
>> share permissions immediately on the SMB clients.
> iirc that is just current behaviour. We call check_user_share_access()
> only from make_connection_snum() and never update it later.
> Changing this requires some changes to our reload-config handlers.
> -slow
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