[Samba] Access to Sonos Music Library

Markus Reichenbach (web.de) reichi62 at web.de
Mon Jan 20 17:05:08 UTC 2025

Hi, I'm running an old Sonos Play5 speaker which has access to my music
library hosted on Raspberry Pi. My problem is that Samba 4.9.5 which is
installed on a Raspi3 works without problems. But Samba 4.17.12 on
Raspi4 does not work. The error is "Zugriff auf //raspi4/mp3 wurde
verweigert" (access to //raspi4/mp3 rejected).
I activated server min protocol = NT1 in /etc/samba/smb.conf already
because the Sonos Play5 kernel is rather old (2.4.22). But this did not
Any suggestions? What I have in mind is to install the old Samba version
4.9.5 on Raspi4 too. But maybe there's a better solution.

Thanks in advance!

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