[Samba] odd UID behaviour in Linux hosts connected to Samba AD
Rowland Penny
rpenny at samba.org
Thu Jan 16 17:26:09 UTC 2025
On Thu, 16 Jan 2025 18:10:36 +0100 (CET)
"Vincent S. Cojot via samba" <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
> Hi again Rowland and Luis,
> First, thank you very much for jumping to my rescue and explaining
> what I got wrong about my Samba usage.
> This brought another question: Could I perhaps use the Samba 'rid'
> backend so that Windows users get unique UIDs on Linux boxes -
> different from the Linux UIDs - and then make use of usermap to map
> them to the proper local Linux user?
> Would that work? Would that work for files being served as well?
> Thanks,
> Vincent
I will say this slowly:
You do not have local Linux
You have AD users and Samba makes them appear as local Linux users, the
same goes for groups, as I said my name does not appear in /etc/passwd:
rowland at devstation:~$ grep 'rowland' /etc/passwd
rowland at devstation:~$
Yet, Linux know that I am a user with the ID '11104':
uid=11104(rowland) gid=10513(domain users) groups=10513(domain
admins),12605(testgroup),10571(allowed rodc password replication
group),10572(denied rodc password replication
I use the 'rid' backend, but there is nothing stopping you using the
'ad' backend with the local Linux IDs set as the uidNumber & gidNumber
attributes, but it will work equally well using the 'rid' backend.
I suggest you remove your 'db' database and start from there.
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