[Samba] Problems with rpcd helpers not restarting after config changes and updates

Matthias Kühne | Ellerhold Aktiengesellschaft matthias.kuehne at ellerhold.de
Thu Jan 16 12:50:28 UTC 2025

Hello lovely samba-people,

in the last year we had some problems with the rpcd helpers: they dont 
restart after a config change or an upgrade. We think 
https://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2024-July/249470.html is a symptom 
of it. Other errors included that samba-ad-dc did not work properly 
until restarting the whole server. The upgrade to 4.21.3 took down our 
whole ERP software, because the ad-dc somehow broke.

Well we think that running newer samba-ad-dc with the old rpc helpers is 
the culprit here (this may be wrong though).

In Samba 4.16 a new helper was added: samba-dcerpcd. This binary starts 
the rpcd helpers as needed. Normally (rpc start on demand helpers = yes 
(the default)) it is started by smbd, winbind or samba-ad-dc on demand 
and detaches after. So restarting the aforementioned processes does not 
restart dcerpcd or the rpcd helpers. Thanks to Ralph Böhme of SerNet for 
explaining all of this!

The solution is to set "rpc start on demand helpers = no" in your 
smb.conf and add a new systemd service:

Description=Samba DCERPCD Server process

Before=smbd.service winbind.service samba-ad-dc.service
PartOf=smbd.service winbind.service samba-ad-dc.service

ExecStart=/usr/libexec/samba/samba-dcerpcd --foreground --libexec-rpcds 


Additionally you need this systemd overrides for smbd, winbind, 
samba-ad-dc and possibily nmbd, put this file into 


After that: systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl stop smbd nmbd winbind 
samba-ad-dc && systemctl enable samba-dcerpcd && systemctl start 

And now start your needed services:

fileserver: systemctl start smbd nmbd winbind samba-dcerpcd

dc: fileserver: systemctl start samba-ad-dc samba-dcerpcd

Verify everything is working.

The goal is that samba-dcerpcd restarts when on of the other services 
restarts. So that systemctl restart smbd also restarts samba-dcerpcd !

Im hoping that with this change, our upgrade-problems are gone. And I 
hope I can help some of you out there.

@mjt: Can you somehow bring this change to the debian packages please? 
The change in the smb.conf is tricky though, so idk how you can package 
that. But providing a samba-dcerpcd.service file thats disabled and 
restarting it in postinstall would be great!

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