[Samba] High cpu load on LDAP

Marco Gaiarin gaio at lilliput.linux.it
Wed Jan 8 17:27:20 UTC 2025

Mandi! Douglas Bagnall via samba
  In chel di` si favelave...

Sorry for the late answer and thanks for all the post.

> Samba AD does not do this rephrasing, probably because in the distant 
> past (a) it was not used at scale, (b) we didn't trust our backlinks, 
> and (c) we didn't think of it. We could/should do it now, but it will 
> take a bit of work.

But a question still sound on me: if i enable index on Members, i can brake

Brake mean 'per se' (eg, Samba does not work anymore) or in 'compatibility'
(eg, some AD-enabled apps and client does not work anymore).



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